
mental performance training
& Biofeedback

Utilizing research-tested techniques and technology to boost performance for athletes, performers, and business professionals at all levels.

Hone your mindset skills to

Develop your CONSISTENCY around being the best version of the performer & person you are.
Place your ATTENTION, from moment to moment, in PURPOSEFUL ways to best influence your performance OUTCOME
UTILIZE physiological data from YOUR body to better UNDERSTAND, MANAGE, and HARNESS the power of your stress response
MOVE through the EMOTIONS of the moment, both comfortable and uncomfortable, in ways most CONSTRUCTIVE to the bigger picture goal.
RESPOND to challenges, roadblocks, and adverse contexts in ways that FACILITATE both who YOU want to be and what you want to ultimately ACHIEVE.
Enhance CONFIDENCE through deliberate PRACTICE and tangible GOALS.

Let’s work


Private coaching

1-on-1 training customized specifically for you. Using handpicked tools & processes, the coaching will build from your existing skillset and advance your mental fortitude.

Stress testing & Biofeedback

Improve self-management of your stress response. Aided by technology allowing you to precisely observe variables such as resting muscle tension, heart rate variability, and breath structure, you will become better equipped to self-regulate how you react both physically and emotionally.

Leadership & Support Network

When you manage & support performers, you are also in a performance role. Elevate your personal mental prowess and simultaneously gain expert guidance for coaching the mindset of your performer(s).

Teams & Groups

Seminars, workshops, & on-site mentorship brings mental training to your team. Whether your group is large or small, prioritize their mental development in a multi-day format or single event.


Technology Driven

Trainer Directed
Bridge the Gap between Mind & Body. Apply this tool to see, understand, and regulate your nervous system physiology to best aid your performance demands.

Elisa Chapman

MA Sports Psychology/mba

“I have worked in the sport and performance field as a coach, educator, trainer, athlete, and consultant for more than 20 years. I am an AASP Certified Mental Performance Consultant and Board Certified in Biofeedback by BCIA. I also hold master’s degrees in Sports Psychology and Business Administration. Those experiences, along with being a small business owner and recovering from complicated injury myself, have given me first-hand knowledge of the benefits of working on one’s mental space to optimize the mind-body relationship.”

“Because I know how personal this work is, I make it a priority to build trusting relationships through listening and personalizing my services. Personalization is key because it connects us to the training tools in a more meaningful way. To me this is critical, because the tools don’t matter if no one is inspired to pick them and use them “


“…The athletes’ mental outlooks on competitiveness and training habits have visibly improved with Elisa’s support…”


ASC Training Center Snowboard Program Director,
2x recipient of US Ski & Snowboard Coach of the Year

The mobilized mind Clients

Have performed in numerous venues including: 

Resource Blog

Interested in learning more about mental performance training? I’ve gathered a wealth of resources. Look at the transformative work taking place with industry leaders both in the foreground and in the background of performance psychology. I invite you to contact me for a complimentary phone call to take the next step for yourself, your organization, or your performer.
