Upside Article:  Biofeedback applications in sports by Len Zaichkowsky, PhD.  World-class sports biofeedback expert. 
SOURCE: Upside
Posted On June 19, 2020

By:  Len Zaichkowsky, June 19, 2020

Article Notes:

World class expert, Len Zaichkowsky, expands on biofeedback and sport.  He has applied his trade with the likes of the NBA’s Warriors, NHL’s Penguins & Canucks, Pro soccer La Liga’s Real Madrid and more.  Zaichokowsky conveys the massivebenefitsbiofeedbackprovides to athletes.  He shares how, with the Canucks, he developed a training room dubbed “The Mindgym.”  In the Mindgym he used physiological metrics provided by biofeedback to train stress regulation, including improved regulation of muscle tension, emotions, and levels of fatigue.  Zaichokowsky also set up Mindgym’s with Real Madrid and ASPIRE Academy in Doho Qatar.  Len gives nod to the biofeedback work donewithIndian & Canadian Olympic athletes who achieved a lot of medalsuccess.
