
Teams & Groups 

Bring mental performance coaching to your people. Both small & large group training provides a supportive voice to the mental culture your organization is developing. Whether it’s the first time or the umpteenth time, it’s a chance for your personnel to set aside space and focus on their mental approach.

Group training can take many forms.  It can include educational seminars, interactive workshops, group-based discussions, multi-day events, and on-site mentorship.

The structure and content will always be tailored to target the unique dynamics of your group.

Examples of group training led by The Mobilized Mind include:

⬧     Multi-day events blending education with on-site mentorship

⬧    Multi-week small group discussions, topical or open-forum

⬧    coach education seminars

⬧    Team building workshops

⬧    Goal setting workshops

⬧  Parent education seminars on subjects such as support and motivational climate

Let’s Work Together!

Get Connected

Shoot me a message and we’ll start with a complimentary introductory phone call. I know your situation is unique, so we’ll first talk it through and see how The Mobilized Mind can address your needs.

Move Forward

I’ll send you some preliminary ideas, and you’re encouraged to email me any additional thoughts or pertinent details around your group dynamics and training goals.


We’ll discuss the timeframe and dates. I’ll provide a customized proposal. Feedback is always welcome to make sure the programming matches your vision. Your training program will be created.

Engage in Training

Put the program in motion! I’ll always show up ahead of time to set up and stay after to answer any lingering questions.

Stay Connected

Your organization’s experience & advancement is my #1 priority. Debriefing and follow-ups are available & welcome!