
Leadership & Support Network

Performers internalize and play off the feedback, energy, and emotion of those closest in their support team. Therefore, making sure your mindset is sound is critical to your relationship with and leadership of your performer – ultimately affecting what you can get out of them.
In a 1-on-1 or 2-on-1 format, train with The Mobilized Mind to bolster your ability to be most effective in how your performers internalize you, increasing your capacity to guide them towards their best results. You will also gain expert insight from research-based approaches on molding your performers’ mindsets. This will include collaboration around the mentality most critical to those you lead and support, customizing activities, drills, and skills to best facilitate performance success.

Let’s Work together!

Get Connected

Shoot me a message and we’ll start with a complimentary introductory phone call. I know your situation is unique, so we’ll first talk it through and see how The Mobilized Mind can address your needs.

Move Forward

You’ll be provided with an introductory questionnaire to start building the foundation for training. This will include items such as strengths, challenges, current skills, current roadblocks, brief history of performance, notable highs and lows, and goals. I’ll review this before we sit down, which will provide more depth and breadth to that initial face-to-face.

Meet Up

1-on-1 or 2-on-1, we’ll take an hour to sit down face-to-face. With the questionnaire as a guide, we’ll dig into your situation, determine entry points for mental training, and develop ideas for pathways that will best fit you.

Engage in Training

After the sit-down, we’ll plunge into your progression-based training program. Training sessions will be 45-60 minutes and can be done in-person or virtually. Specifics of training and duration of training will be developed around YOU after we first sit down together. 
On-site observations, training, & support can also be included, pricing varies.

Utilize Technology

Hook up to biofeedback technology and learn how the state of your body systems shift and change when faced with activating events such as challenges, exciting opportunities, stressors, threats, etc. While seeing these changes in real time on a computer screen, train yourself to oversee and guide those body systems to best align with your performance needs.
Please note: hooking up to technology can only be done in-person, modifications will be necessary in a virtual environment.
Trainer & tech can travel to you, additional rates apply.


With both new and fine-tuned skills, experience enhanced functioning in your performance endeavors. As an established client, take advantage of growth and maintenance opportunities as you continue to develop.